What is rest?

Have you ever noticed that sometimes after resting all day and sleeping through the night, you feel completely exhausted, you are not happy about anything. And vice versa – you didn’t sleep much, you were busy all day, but you have lots of energy.

There is an explanation for everything. Sleep does not mean rest.

The time when we are not busy with work is traditionally called rest. If you use it rationally, you can significantly improve your efficiency and quality of life.

There is a diagnosis in medicine already: chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms are familiar to many people:

  • fatigue, which does not go away after rest;
  • insomnia;
  • constant headaches.
  • so how to live a full, vibrant life? Not to succumb to the accumulation of fatigue and burnout? 

Let’s look into it.

Is workaholism an indispensable worker or a diagnosis?

The concept of workaholism was introduced by psychologist Wayne Ots in 1971. That’s what he called a person’s compulsive desire to work.

Modern scientists believe that any obsession leads to impaired health. Obsessive thoughts about work overshadow all other family commitments and values.

The workaholic blocks out his emotions for the sake of achieving results. The energy spent in restraining feelings takes a toll on vitality.

Physical fatigue is joined by irritability, bad mood, and a lack of desire to communicate. Sounds like a diagnosis, doesn’t it?

The advice to survive emotional stress by going to work helps many people. But difficulties will still have to be solved, and health problems can join them.

According to statistics, 10 to 25% of working Americans are workaholics.

To avoid becoming psychologically dependent on work, control that it does not displace:

  • family care;
  • feelings;
  • interest in one’s health;
  • hobbies;
  • leisure.

Why rest does not restore strength

The way of life in a big city with its hustle and bustle requires a person to be tolerant to daily stresses. It is necessary to learn how to restore one’s vitality.

It is important to remember that sleeping on the road, watching soap operas at lunchtime, hanging out on the Internet before going to bed, are not called rest and will not help distract from work.

The intrusive thought of a problem at home or in the office overstimulates. Even to force yourself to relax or not to think about it is no longer possible.

A person, like a battery, is charged by the feelings he is experiencing. Therefore, the recovery process will only start when we experience vivid impressions, joy, and excitement of the soul.

How to organize a recreational rest

The endless rhythm of work, the need to perform monotonous work, the constant enormous workload – all this needs to be blended with proper rest for the brain and body.

Many discoveries scientists have made precisely while resting, sleeping or walking – like “eureka!”. You know your own example of a brilliant idea that came to mind outside of work, too.

No matter how you are used to resting – alone or in large company, in order for rest to help recover, schedule it in advance. Otherwise, in a whirlwind of urgent matters there will be no time for rest.

Do not take rest as a reward and wait until all the work is done. No and no! Our bodies and brains need rest like food, water, and air.

The main thing for a full recovery is to observe the following rules:

1. Alternation of physical rest: 

In addition to sleep, active exercise is mandatory:

  • walking or running. If there is no opportunity outside – a running machine;
  • yoga, gymnastics;
  • baths, massages.

These activities improve blood circulation, flexibility of the body.

2. Mental rest.

Try to take regular breaks every two hours at work. Don’t waste precious minutes on the Internet, TV, or books.

Use this time for movement, stretching, and bending. If obsessions don’t leave you, write down your thoughts on a piece of paper and leave them there.

3. Take a break from the sensors.

The light of monitors, lighting devices, the noise of voices should be dampened by simply closing your eyes for 30 to 60 seconds. While doing this, take a deep breath in through your nose and a slow exhalation through your mouth.

Obligatory requirement for a good night’s sleep – do not read your phone in bed. The hormone melatonin, which we need to fall asleep, is produced less with the blue light of the phone and TV screen. This fact has been scientifically proven by scientists in Norway and the United States.

4. Emotional, creative rest.

Allow yourself to admire nature. A snowflake, a drop of rain on the glass, birds singing in the park – the set of possibilities depends only on you.

Put a photo that inspires you on your desk or monitor. It can be artwork, favorite places, loved ones. There should definitely be supportive, positive people around you. Share your struggles, get emotional rest. Listening to a colleague, you may be thinking, “Look at the other in trouble, and why am I so upset? Brace yourself!”.

The ratio of load and rest time depends on the type of work and the individual characteristics of each person. Pay attention to your body’s signals of fatigue. Use the trial method to find the best option for yourself. Just as the skill to work does not come to everyone at once, so the ability to relax is not given to everyone. Listen to yourself. What do your body and brain need today to relax, to distract themselves?

There is no such thing as constantly enjoying the same activities. Perhaps sleeping yesterday was a good option for rest, and today you want to get some fresh air?

Workaholism does not promise anything good, even earned money over time cease to be pleasant if all life turns into solid work. Accustom yourself to finish your working day at the same time, leaving unfinished issues for the next weekdays. Do not worry, all work cannot be done: it was, is and will be, and health – just as one.

When you come home, change into nice and comfortable clothes. Psychologically, by removing the work clothing, you take off the burden of the working day, problems and unresolved tasks, home clothes, like a toggle switch, turns on the role that is needed at a certain moment – the hostess, mother or loving spouse.

Try not to discuss current work moments with your family, enjoy the comfort of home and communication with your loved ones.

Reasons that lead to chronic fatigue syndrome

  • prolonged constant workloads;
  • lack of regular breaks during work;
  • no change of scenery;
  • lack of walks in the fresh air;
  • inadequate sleep;
  • imbalance of nutrition;
  • high level of noise in the city.

The most vulnerable in our bodies are the nervous system and muscular tone. If we don’t respond to the first alarm bells that tell us about the accumulation of fatigue in 30% of people it leads to serious disorders in the physical and psycho-emotional state.

If you’re feeling burned out, we invite you to sign up for a short series of emails in which we tell you how to build your relationship with recreation and organize this area of life. In one place we have collected for you all the interesting information about recreation. We will help you analyze your condition and develop a system of full recovery.